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Open Science and Citizen Science

Multimedia resources publicly available to learn more about Open Science and Citizen Science.

Local, Regional and Global - Open Research Initiatives

Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training [FORRT]

FORRT is a Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training advancing research transparency, reproducibility, rigor, and ethics through pedagogical reform and meta-scientific research. FORRT provides a pedagogical infrastructure & didactic resources designed to recognize and support the teaching and mentoring of open and reproducible science. FORRT strives to raise awareness of the pedagogical implications of open and reproducible science and its associated challenges (i.e., curricular reform, epistemological uncertainty, methods of education) and advocates for the opening and formal recognition of teaching and mentoring materials to facilitate access, discovery, and learning to those who otherwise would be educationally disenfranchised.

Registry of Research Data Repositories

Research data are valuable and ubiquitous. Permanent access to research data is a challenge for all stakeholders in the scientific community. Long-term preservation and the principle of open access to research data offer broad opportunities for the scientific community. In the last decade, more and more universities and research centres established research data repositories allowing permanent access to data sets in a trustworthy environment. Due to disciplinary requirements, the landscape of data repositories is very heterogeneous. Thus, it is difficult for researchers, funding bodies, publishers, and scholarly institutions to select appropriate repositories for storing and searching research data.

Re3data is a global registry of research data repositories that covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines. It includes repositories that enable permanent storage of and access to data sets to researchers, funding bodies, publishers, and scholarly institutions. re3data promotes a culture of sharing, increased access and better visibility of research data. The registry has gone live in autumn 2012 and has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Open Research Champions - University of Reading (United Kingdom)

What is an Open Research Champion?

An Open Research Champion is a research-active member of staff or research student who volunteers a small amount of their time to help promote Open Research, provide information and support to peers and colleagues, and facilitate the adoption of open and reproducible research practices. Champions work together within their Schools and as a University community to spread Open Research awareness, knowledge and skills, and to support the use of open practices in research.

All you need to know about Open Reproducible Research



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