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World Bank Open Data

The demand for good-quality statistical data continues to increase. Timely and reliable statistics are key inputs to the broad development strategy. Improvements in the quality and quantity of data on all aspects of development are essential if we are to achieve the goal of a world without poverty.

Good data are needed to set baselines, identify effective public and private actions, set goals and targets, monitor progress and evaluate impacts. They are also an essential tool of good government, providing means for people to assess what governments do and helping them to participate directly in the development process.

At the World Bank, the Development Data Group coordinates statistical and data work and maintains a number of macro, financial, and sector databases. Working closely with the Bank’s regions and Global Practices, the group is guided by professional standards in the collection, compilation, and dissemination of data to ensure that all data users can have confidence in the quality and integrity of the data produced.

Much of the data comes from the statistical systems of member countries, and the quality of global data depends on how well these national systems perform. The World Bank works to help developing countries improve the capacity, efficiency, and effectiveness of national statistical systems. Without better and more comprehensive national data, it is impossible to develop effective policies, monitor the implementation of poverty reduction strategies, or monitor progress towards global goals.


Anyone can be a user of FAIRsharing. FAIRsharing brings the producers and consumers of standards, databases, repositories, and data policies closer together, with a growing list of adopters. Representatives of institutions, libraries, journal publishers, funders, infrastructure programs, societies and other organizations or projects (that in turn serve and guide individual researchers or other stakeholders on research data management matters) can become an adopter. We also welcome collaborative proposals from complementary resources, we are open to participating in joint projects to develop services for specific stakeholders and communities.

Global Indigenous Data Alliance

The Workshop “International Law, The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and Indigenous Data Sovereignty” was hosted 11-12 July 2019 at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati, Spain.

Convened by Maggie Walter and Desi Rodriguez-Lonebear, the Workshop brought together participants from seven nation-states including representation from the Maiam nayri Wingara Collective (Australia); Te Mana Raraunga Maori Data Sovereignty Network (Aotearoa New Zealand); and the United States Indigenous Data Sovereignty Network.

The purpose of the Workshop was to provide a forum for international Indigenous Data Sovereignty scholars and practitioners to collaboratively advance the legal principles underlying collective and individual data rights in the context of UNDRIP. Indigenous Data Sovereignty is a prerequisite for effective delivery of the social, political and economic promises of UNDRIP.

Discussions included:

  • UNDRIP provides a necessary but insufficient foundation for the realization of Indigenous rights and interests in data. Indigenous Peoples also require Indigenous-designed legal and regulatory approaches founded on Indigenous Data Sovereignty principles.

  • While national Indigenous Data Sovereignty networks are best placed to respond to and progress data sovereignty for their peoples and communities, a global alliance is needed to advocate for and advance a shared vision for Indigenous Data Sovereignty.

  • The international focus on the protection of personal data and privacy rights is inadequate for Indigenous Peoples. There is an urgent need for the development and implementation of collective Indigenous privacy laws, regulations, and standards.

 Outcomes included:

Gida meaning

Basque Country is known for its commitment to self-determination, language revitalization, and cultural continuity. GIDA is the Basque word for guide. One of the key aims of GIDA is to share frameworks, tools, and processes to help guide the practice of Indigenous Data Sovereignty around the globe.

Innovation Data Explorer

Our interactive tools let you explore the areas of the world with the greatest density of innovative activity and to visualize networks of collaboration.

WIPO's global databases make it easy for anyone, anywhere, to access the wealth of information in the IP system. They are based on our commitment to creating an inter-connected and inclusive knowledge-sharing IP infrastructure to support innovation worldwide.

SDG Pathfinder

The SDG Pathfinder is an open digital discovery tool, powered by the OECD, providing quick access to content related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This tool applies an SDG lens to policy content from six international organizations.

Content coverage includes curated analysis (books, chapters, articles, papers, etc.), extracted via artificial intelligence based on advanced machine-learning technologies and Natural Language Processing.
The SDG Pathfinder offers analysis for each SDG:

  • 17 thematic views – one per SDG.
  • Hundreds of topical views – based on an index of key topics defining the SDGs.
  • A cross-cutting view – a topic map covering the conceptual connections between SDGs.

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