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World Bank Group Information

Helping people find information about and by the World Bank Group.

How do we work?

The Bank Group has two goals: 

  1. 1. To end extreme poverty, and   

2. Promote shared prosperity in a sustainable way.

To achieve these, our work revolves around projects and operations that alleviate poverty.

Public project information by institution

IBRD/IDA (International Bank for Reconstruction & Development / International Development Association)

IBRD/IDA Project life cycle

World Bank Operations manual - Operational policies, directives, procedures and other instructions to staff that apply to Bank operations

Search the IBRD/IDA projects:

English Español Français Português Русский عربي 中文

Annual report:

English Español Français Русский عربي 中文


IBRD/IDA results  

IDA results


Present datasets:  IBRD / IDA

Historical datasets: IBRD / IDA

Trust funds, partnerships, and financial intermediary funds (FiFs)

Trust funds:
Vehicles used to manage funds contributed by development partners for specific development activities and administered by the World Bank.
Trust fund site Annual report Trust fund fact sheet Directory of programs 


English Español Français Русский عربي 中文

FiFs (Financial Intermediary Funds):
Subset of trust funds - leveraging public/private resources to support international initiatives with the Bank Group as trustee
Browse the FiFs

IFC (International Finance Corporation)

Investment, advice, and asset management

IFC Products and Services

Search the projects: IFC

Annual report

Results: results measurement

MIGA (Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency)

Political risk insurance and credit enhancement

Guarantee process

Search the Projects: MIGA

Annual report

Results: impact stories

ICSID (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes)

International investment dispute settlement

Process overview

Search the cases: ICSID

Annual report 

Results: caseload statistics

Institution specific:

IBRD/IDA results  

IDA results

IFC results measurement

MIGA impact stories

ICSID caseload statistics

Across the Institutions:

Independent Evaluation Group

Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund




World Bank Group: World Bank | IFC | MIGA | ICSID


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