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World Bank Group Information

Helping people find information about and by the World Bank Group.


The numbers behind the information, research, and institutions.

Data about the World

World Bank open data

Open access to global development data


Access to time series datasets including: WDI, Doing Business, sustainable development goals, debt, and many others

Data catalog 15,000+ datasets with development relevance, including time series, microdata, and geospatial
International Comparison Program (ICP) Global initiative that produces price statistics and publishes purchasing power parities.
Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) Household survey program that provides technical assistance to national statistical offices (NSOs) in the design and implementation of multi-topic household surveys.

Microdata library

Data collected through sample surveys of households, business establishments, or other facilities.

World Development Indicators (WDI) Compilation of international statistics on global development
Open data toolkit

Extensive background on open data best practices and implementation, including online training courses for data producers, users, and policymakers.

Data helpdesk The help desk is here to answer your questions about data from the World Bank and encourage a dialogue about how we can improve them.

Other WBG data portals

Data about the Bank Group

Financial data                    

Corporate financial information

Project data

Data sets containing lending information for IDA/IBRD projects


Data and source code

Data API

Open source code at GitHub



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO (Intergovernmental Organization) license .