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World Bank Group Information

Helping people find information about and by the World Bank Group.

Legal cases & grievances

This section contains Bank Group public legal information, including guidelines, case files, and policies.

Legal & grievances

ICSID - International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes

Organization devoted to international investment dispute settlement

ICSID case database

ICSID document library

Inspection Panel

An independent complaints mechanism for people and communities who believe that they have been, or are likely to be, adversely affected by a World Bank-funded project.

Inspection Panel cases

Inspection Panel publications

CAO - Compliance Advisory Ombudsman

The independent accountability mechanism for IFC and MIGA. The CAO responds to complaints from project-affected communities with the goal of enhancing social and environmental outcomes on the ground.

CAO cases

CAO resources and publications

WBAT - World Bank Administrative Tribunal

Independent judicial forum for claims against the Bank Group by WBG staff.

WBAT judgments and orders

Grievance Redress Service

Accessible way for individuals and communities to complain directly to the World Bank if they believe that a World Bank-financed project had or is likely to have adverse effects on them or their community. The GRS Case Log is available from the main GRS site.

Integrity Vice Presidency

Independent unit within the Bank Group that investigates and pursues sanctions related to allegations of fraud and corruption in Bank Group-financed projects. 

List of debarred entities

Redacted investigation reports

Report suspected fraud or corruption

Sanctions Board decisions

Scams and fraudulent investment schemes that misuse our name



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